12 Signs of Breast Cancer, Steps for Detection and Self-Exam posters get updated

Every year we update the Know Your Lemons materials, and with the global attention we received this year we've been able to gather more insight and feedback from patients, educators and doctors from around the world than ever before. So as a designer, I wanted to share with you what these changes are and why we made them.

Here's what's new, in time for October 2017:

12 Signs, revamped

We also updated the Steps for Detection poster:

Old steps for detection

New steps for detection poster.

As we've been working on our Education Kit for low-tech settings in rural parts of the world, we've had to completely eliminate all text. This resulted in an improved way of showing the steps for detection by adding in some simple lines and a "check" (normal) or "?" (abnormal) for each step of the process. Plus we added cake! ;)

A new addition to the Self Exam poster

We included the area that you should be feeling in a self-exam (armpit -> collarbone -> ribcage) on The Mayor in the corner, along with a summary of the 3 lumps you might feel:

Want the latest materials, pop on over to our shop!


Press Release


Know Your Lemons reaches 166 million in January